Multiple Spin Throws

As the name suggests, with this type of throw the club spins more than once. Double and triple spins are often needed when doing some of the tricks that follow. Practice these throws on their own first of all, and then try to incorporate them into a juggle. The club should turn at the same speed whether you are doing one spin, two spins or twenty two spins - it is the height that changes. In general a double should stay in the air twice as long as a single. Many people do low doubles that spin very quickly, which is fine if this is the desired effect, but in a lot of cases the double is used to create time for another trick and so you must have the ability to judge the proper height when necessary. I mentioned earlier that when you throw a club, your arm gives it the height and your wrist gives it the spin. This means that when doing multiple spins your wrist action should be no different from when you do a single, but that your arm must do all the extra work. In summary: don't spin it quicker, throw it higher.

If you wish to do just one double/triple and then return to singles, bear in mind that the rhythm of the pattern will be disrupted. You must wait for the club to come down again before doing the next throw. This is one of those things that sounds obvious when you read it, but when the throw is up there and you're saying to yourself God, how am I going to catch THAT?!!, your brain, having got used to a nice steady cascade, will be thinking Right, time for the next throw and it sometimes takes a bit of practice to overcome this.

As well as simply substituting multiple spins for singles in a cascade, you may also wish to try throwing a club straight up rather than across, so that it will return to the same hand. It is especially useful to practice throwing doubles in this way, because many club tricks require one or more doubles to be thrown back to the same side in order to leave the other hand free. Two clubs in one hand is usually done with double spins.